Hiking and Adventure in the grand staircase


New Seldom Seen Adventures Logo!!!!

We are excited to show off our new Logo!  Things seem to be moving right along.  We have heard some good news from the Travel Bureau.  We have heard that this year is going to be a banner year for Utah Tourism!  We are going to be setting up some free hiking opportunities this spring.  In two weeks, we will be offering free guiding opportunities for people wanting to come down and explore the Grand Staircase with us!  (The 13th of March through the 19th.) 

If you are interested in coming out to do a free trip this spring during the third week in march or any other time during the spring, let us know, we will take you in and share with you some of our favorite spots.  Our goal this spring is to get some good feedback on what we are doing right and what we can do to make our adventures better.  Call me today at 435-689-1884.  Ask for Nick!

Just out exploring

My wife Julie in Spooky slot

It seems we lucked out again.  The last storm that was supposed to leave snow on the ground only left a little bit of rain.  Thats great news because it only gets us closer and closer to the guiding season.  We are eagerly anticipating a big year.  Right now mid february we have daytime highs in the mid 40’s to mid 50’s.  Lets hope it stays that way!  Another service that we offer is trip planning.  If you want to do your own trip but would like some local advise, call us today at 435-689-1884, and for a fee we will draw in topo maps with routes and natural features for you.

Welcome to the Grand Staircase!

At Seldom Seen Adventures, we strive to take out clients off the beaten path.  The fact is, you probably have never seen pictures or heard of the places we want to take you.  We want to keep it that way.  If we do take you into a particularly popular tourist spot, we will take you in a way that no one else goes.  We want you to go away with a true wilderness experience.  To sit atop a red rock mesa and hear nothing but the wind and a raven in the distance is something we feel everyone should experience, and for us, is our addiction.  We offer single day excursions into the GSENM backcountry.  From the Northeast corner in the Escalante Canyons, to the steps of the Vermillion Cliffs near Kanab, we do it all.  We have guides located in Escalante, Cannonville, and Kanab to help you set up your dream exploration across this 2 million acre national monument.  This year is the launch of our business and we look forward to having you book your next adventure with us.